
Quartet with at its helm the alluring voice of Laura Klaus, multi-instrumentalist and master percussionist and drummer, including the zabumba, a bass drum typically heard in Northeastern Brazilian. The group’s 2018 album, Nordestinamente Falando, really found their groove through sweet love and “saudade.” In Brazil, “Forró” is integral to the culture in a land where song and dance rhythms resonate together. The physical closeness in dances, performed in pairs evokes a whispered sensuality.  As popular as ever, the poetry of “baião” music emerged in the 1950s, while “arrasta pé” and “xote” were created by the legendary composers, Luiz Gonzaga and Dominguinhos. With her extremely talented accomplices, singer-guitarist Rodrigo Simões, flutist-percussionist Gabriel Schwartz and accordionist Dominique Poirier, Laura Klaus has no difficulty enchanting the audiences. A Brazilian breeze carried from Recife to the Montreal stage to caresses the senses. Forró de Lá delivers an intense tropical whirlwind that will sweep you off your feet. 

Forró de Lá
Brazil, Qc
Festival international Nuits d'Afrique 2023