Crowdfunding in music: which opportunities?
Learn different techniques to fund your music projects using participatory funding methods. Discover real-life examples of artists who have successfully self-financed their projects and developed their communities on platforms like The Hive, Kickstarter and Patreon.
Are you familiar with La Ruche, Kickstarter, Ulule or Patreon? These are crowdfunding platforms. Developed since the early 2000s, this method of financing involves public participation to support the production of a cultural good through participatory financing “campaigns”. In music, it can be used to finance the production of a video clip, an album or a tour. Do you want to understand the principles of social financing in order to integrate them into your artistic development? This workshop is made for you!
At the end of this one-hour and a half workshop, which combines a presentation with a participatory approach, you will know in more detail how social financing platforms work and their different models; you will have grasped the main issues related to the use of this tool and you will have learned some useful tips to get started.
Hosted by : Elsa Fortant
Visit the web site : elsafortant.com
Elsa Fortant is a doctoral student in sociomusicology at Université de Montréal. Her research focuses on subscription-based crowdfunding, the musician’s profession and fan engagement. As a research assistant, she works with UQAM and INRS. As an independent cultural worker, she collaborates with organizations such as Compétence Culture. She is also a member of the MTL 24/24 night council.
Free and open to all!
Note that the conferences and workshops are only in French.
As part of the 16th edition of the Syli d’Or de la Musique du Monde, Productions Nuits d’Afrique presents workshops and conferences for artists of the emerging music scene.