PAULO RAMOS | Album Lua Vermelha
Disques Nuits d'Afrique / Believe

Disques Nuits d’Afrique is pleased to announce the release of Lua Vermelha, PAULO RAMOS new album, available on all digital platforms since December 2nd, 2022.
Originally from Sao Paulo, Montreal singer-guitarist and songwriter Paulo Ramos will present his highly anticipated new album. This 9th album, entitled Lua Vermelha, which means Red Moon in Portuguese, will be available the same day, Friday, December 2nd, on all digital platforms worldwide.
Authentic, always with a sincere smile on his face, Paulo Ramos has a luminous aura, creating an atmosphere where frenetic joy and tender melancholy overlap so well. Paulo charms, captivates, and drags with him the intoxicating sensuality of his native country.
Faithful to the rhythms of Brazil, Paulo continues to add his personal touch, especially in his guitar playing which combines the depth of the low notes with the jazzy color of the high ones. His words sing the beauty of life, the sometimes bitter sweetness of love, and above all the unalterable sense of celebration for those who know its fragility.
1. Lua Vermelha ft. Jean-Pierre Zanella
2. Batuca aqui… Batuca lá
3. Cadencia do coraçao
4. Cintilar das estrelas (Nuit de lumière) ft Annick Brémault
5. Delicadeza
6. Samba em Roma
7. Belebeleza ft Monica Freire
8. Viva a Vida
9. Caidinho de amor ft Péri